Ullr Bar Ullr Bar Restaurant Phone778-526-5113 Emailinfo@ullrbar.com Location722 13th Street Invermere BC WebsiteUllr Bar Find us/Experience Us: Dine-inTakeout Fresh ingredients, sourced as local as possible. Cocktails and ales. Come and join the fun! Read More... epstudios2023-06-02T16:59:16-06:00May 11th, 2020| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail
Ullr Bar Restaurant Phone778-526-5113 Emailinfo@ullrbar.com Location722 13th Street Invermere BC WebsiteUllr Bar Find us/Experience Us: Dine-inTakeout Fresh ingredients, sourced as local as possible. Cocktails and ales. Come and join the fun! Read More...