Old Blue Farm Truck Old Blue Farm Truck Farm Products Flowers, Fruit, Herbs, Plants, Vegetables Phone1-250-270-0282 Emailoldbluetruckfarm@gmail.com Location1076 Swansea Road Invermere BC Find us/Experience Us: Farm StandFarmers' MarketsOnsite PickupRetail A small regenerative farm with a passion for soil health. Growing vegetables, fruit, and eggs. Farm stand open seasonally. Read More... epstudios2023-06-02T16:59:04-06:00May 11th, 2020| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail
Old Blue Farm Truck Farm Products Flowers, Fruit, Herbs, Plants, Vegetables Phone1-250-270-0282 Emailoldbluetruckfarm@gmail.com Location1076 Swansea Road Invermere BC Find us/Experience Us: Farm StandFarmers' MarketsOnsite PickupRetail A small regenerative farm with a passion for soil health. Growing vegetables, fruit, and eggs. Farm stand open seasonally. Read More...